Transcription Guide
Anglo-Saxon Character Transcription Guide
To assist with deciphering the different characters in CCCC41, the following transcription guide has been provided to help with the transcription process.
Abbreviation Transcription Guide
A number of abbreviations are employed throughout CCCC41 by both the central and marginal scribes. The following guide offers an introduction to the most common abbrevations in Old English.
Latin Abbrevation Transcription Guide
CCCC41 contains a considerable number of Latin texts in its ample margins. Consequently, the Latin marginalia are highly abbreviated which can make the transcription process more difficult. The following guide has been provided to clarify some of the recurring Latin abbreviations in the manuscript.
Mirador Transcription Guide
The Mirador annotation controls can be used to add transcriptions of CCCC41's main text and marginalia to the Parker Library's facsimile images of the manuscript. The guide provided below specifies the use of each annotation and how to apply it effectively when transcribing the texts of CCCC41.
XML Transcription Manual
For those interested in learning how to encode the marginalia and medieval manuscripts in TEI-XML, a sample transcription manual has been provided which clarifies how to overabundantly markup the text so that the TEI-XML document can generate a number of possible outputs, including diplomatic as well as semi-diplomatic transcriptions of the text. Examples are provided in the guide which outline how both the abbreviated and expanded forms of words can be encoded, as well as original and regularised punctuation and orthography. On conclusion of this research project, the TEI-XML document will be provided on GitHub to assist other encoders interested in making marginalia machine-readable.