Exploring the Manuscript

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 041: Old English Bede.

IIIF Drag-n-drop

The IIIF manifest of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 41 is copyright of the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The IIIF manifest of CCCC MS 41 was published on The Parker Library on the Web 2.0 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The IIIF manifest of CCCC MS 41 is stored in Stanford University Library's Digital Repository for the Parker Manuscripts Collection. If you require images from this manuscript for publication, in print or in an electronic format, for scholarly or commercial purposes, please contact the Parker directly at parker-library@corpus.cam.ac.uk.

Instructions for Loading Mirador Viewer with CCCC MS 41

Step 1:
Right click on the following link for The Parker Library 2.0 Manifest of CCCC41 and open in a new tab.
Step 2:
Click and hold on the icon on the bottom right corner underneath the Parker Library's Mirador viewer.
Step 3:
Drag the icon to the tab containing this webpage (Exploring the Manuscript).
Step 4:
Drop the icon into the Mirador viewer instance on this page. The Mirador viewer will prompt you to do this once you have dragged the icon within the Mirador frame.
Step 5:
Explore the Manuscript!

Manuscript Metadata

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 041.
Alternate Title:
Old English Bede/Bedae Historia Saxonice
Old English and Latin
ff. 244 + 2
Date Range:
ca. 1000 - 1099
Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
MS 41 contains the Old English translation of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica. The Old English translation, commonly referred to as the Old English Bede was written into MS 41 during the first half of the eleventh century probably somewhere in the south of England. The wide margins of MS 41 contain a variety of marginalia, ranging from the Old English poem Solomon and Saturn to Latin liturgical texts as well as Old English and Latin charms. The manuscript contains two interesting inscriptions. On pages 483-4 the unnamed scribe of the manuscript wrote a prayer seeking blessings from its readers and on page 488 a bilingual inscription states that MS 41 was one of the manuscripts given to Exeter Cathedral by Bishop Leofric (1050-72). The manuscript's decoration consists of numerous ornated initials in brown outline and also features two remarkable line drawings; one of Christ crucified on page 484 and another figure on page 485.